مهندس نسيم صلاح ذكي
من قال ان العطش للماء فحسب!!!؟
احياناً نكون عطشى لكلمة تجبر الخاطر
وتواسي قلوبنا الجافه.
او عطشى لبقعة صغيرة تشعرنا بالأمان
في هذا العالم الذي أصبح قوي القسوي
او عطشى لبعض من العافية لمن اتعبهم الحياه وقسوتها بكافه احتياجها
عطشى للوفاء. للعرفان .لكلمة شكرٍ بكل حب...!
عطشى لامنيةٍ او حلمٍ طال انتظارهُ ولم يتحقق...!
وسوف نري احلامنا بيقين تتحقق فيمابعد
احيانا نكون عطشى للقاءٍ طال انتظاره
ولاناس غابت أصواتهم عنا.
او اهتمام فقدناه ممن نحب.
ندعو الله ان يمن علينا برتواء عطشنا لما تحتويه علينا
" نعلم ان
يا ليت كل عطش يرويه كوب ماء"..
Engineer Nassim Salah Zaki
Who said thirst is only for water!!!?
Sometimes we are thirsty for a word that will force our minds
And console our dry hearts.
Or thirsty for a small spot that makes us feel safe
In this world that has become so cruel and powerful
Or thirsty for some wellness for those who are tired of life and its harshness with all its needs
Thirsty for fulfillment. For gratitude. For a word of thanks with love...!
Thirsty for a long-awaited wish or dream that did not come true...!
We will see our dreams come true later
Sometimes we are thirsty for a long-awaited meeting
And there are people whose voices are absent from us.
Or interest we lost from those we love.
We pray to God to grant us the quenching of our thirst for what it contains for us
" We know that
“I wish every thirst could be quenched by a cup of water.”
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